Is Lemon Water the Best for a Hangover?

Whether it’s to get rid of a hangover, or for everyday health benefits, drinking lemon water has become a popular practice. But does it really work?

In short: the jury is still out on that one. While there are some studies that support the notion that lemon water is good for you, there aren’t enough conclusive results to say whether its effects can be attributed to the citric acid or the placebo effect. If you want to give it a try and see if it helps you feel better, go right ahead! If you’re just looking for a quick fix to cure your hangover, though (and who isn’t), we would advise taking something with more scientific backing behind it—like ibuprofen.

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Some say that taking a few sips of lemon water every morning is good for the body, and since hangovers are essentially your body trying to recover from an assault of toxins, it only makes sense that a bit of lemon water might be able to get you back on the right track. There’s no scientific backing for this idea, but it doesn’t hurt to say you tried.

There are a few reasons why lemon water might help reduce the symptoms of a hangover. First, it can help flush out your system by ridding it of some of the toxins that got into your body last night. Second, the vitamin C in lemons can help your body produce more white blood cells and therefore speed up your recovery. Third, the pectin in lemons can help clean out your digestive tract. (Lemon juice may also have antibacterial properties.)